

Via Pip

To install YACT, run this in your terminal:

$ pip install yact

Via Git

YACT is under active development on GitHub.

To install YACT via git, run this in your terminal:

$ git clone git@github.com/jesseops/yact.git $ cd yact && python setup.py install

Loading Config

YACT is designed to make loading your configuration as easy as possible. To that end, calling yact.from_file with the name of your config file will automatically search common locations and pull up your config. You may optionally give it a path to search in if it’s not in a standard location.


Standard loading:

>>> import yact
>>> config = yact.from_file('my-config.yaml')
>>> print(config.filename)

Explicit directory:

>>> config = yact.from_file('my-config.yaml', directory='/opt/my-app')
>>> print(config.filename)

Saving Config

There’s no need! As long as you use the standard methods of updating a config entry, YACT will automatically save your changes to the original configuration file.


>>> config = yact.from_file('mynewconfig.yaml', create_if_missing=True)
>>> config.set('my.new.setting', True)


Auto Reloading

YACT will watch for changes to your config files and automatically reload your configuration without any extra code on your end. Just set auto_reload to True when loading your config:

>>> config = yact.from_file('myconfig.yaml', auto_reload=True)