Main Interface

class yact.Config(filename, unsafe=False, auto_reload=False)[source]

The Config object is a wrapper around YAML data. For most use cases, the basic functionality of reading a YAML file (extension does not matter) is sufficient.

While not currently tested, unsafe loading of YAML files is supported using the unsafe flag.

get(key, default=None)[source]

Retrieve the value of a key (or consecutive keys joined by periods) or default, similar to dict.get


Remove an item from configuration file

Establishes lock on configuration data, deletes config entry matching the passed in key. Saves updated configuration back to file.


Save current configuration back to file in YAML format

Acquires configuration lock, opens file in overwrite mode (‘w’) and writes the output of yaml.dump to the file object. default_flow_style is set to false to force proper YAML formatting


Provided for users of the standard ConfigParser module.

set(key, value)[source]

Set the value of a provided key (or nested keys joined by periods) to the provided value